So my family rented a glorious cabin off lake panorama which is only 45 minutes from the great ole city of Des Moines, Iowa which was nice because not only did I get to go on vacation but not have to drive far at all. My sister and her husband also came up for one night to get away but left early because my sister has just started her second year of vet school and is rather stressed out. Here is a glimpse of the cabin. The cabins on this lake were very over the top. Most of them as just summer homes for most people, which makes me wonder what their everyday homes looked like! wow.

Not really what you call "rustic" but it was so nice to have a real bed to sleep in and air conditioning when you got hot out on the lake. There were some killer stairs to get down to the docks and boat when you wanted to do a little swimming but the workout came welcomed after all the food I ate! We referred the stairs as the "gauntlet"! haha.

Other wise we just swam, boated, and enjoyed the woodsy outdoor life for the trip! Mcgruff really enjoyed his time outdoors!! He also got to swim in a lake for the first time ever. He was not too happy with me after that haha.

The brother in law and the boyfriend getting ready to walk down the steps of doom to go tubing!

Me and my mom out on the boat just soaking up some sun!