Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Week 1!

Monday marked the end of my first week starting back on my exercise routine! I did 5 days of cardio on the elliptical for about 30 min with resistance level set at 4/12 (that will slowly increase). I did every other day of about 30 min or more on my wii-fit doing some step aerobics, free run, boxing, hula hoop and a few strength training moves. I cut back on my eating slightly, just mainly watching portion control and trying not to have as much sweets as usual. I did have some candy on Easter but not a whole lot. I had 2 diet sodas the whole week and didn't buy any more when I went grocery shopping Saturday. I have been craving water more and more! I have noticed my skin looking better and feeling healthy also! I forgot how good it feels to workout! Overall the wii-fit says I was down 5.7 pounds! I decided to have my overall goal be 50 pounds by Oct. I would really like to do another 20 pounds after that just because the experts say thats the weight I need to be...but I will do the 50 first! :)


  1. Good job!

    Hey: Try intervals on the elliptical. Do 2-3 minutes at 2-3 resistance and 2-3 minutes at 5-7 resistance and alternate. You will peel off pounds FAST. Sub this in for 3 of your regular workouts that way your regular workout becomes your easy day and you can go a little longer those days. :)

    Way to go!

    I'm down 2 pounds since March 1..which is a lot for me. :)

  2. Congrats, A! That is fabulous! I lost 2.4 this week, 16.6 since the first of the year. I have 28 to go to make goal. I like Chimes suggestion for the elliptical, I am going to have to try that!

    Keep up the good work. I too am trying to kick the Diet Coke habit. Getting better, and I drink plenty of water, but I still crave my DC!

  3. Ok, you are seriously inspiring me to get off my lazy bum and get cracking~!

  4. Great job. I'm back on a workout program also! I love regular Coke and I have been to the grocery store 3 times and haven't bought any!!! I'm very happy for you because it does feel good and you do feel better!!! I'm rooting for you!:)
